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I'm having a somewhat cliché New Year's Day.  It began with a headache, due to copious amounts of martinis & champs- obvs, and amplified this morning by my nephews' discovery of the noise makers I "forgot" to dole out last night.  Followed by a solid effort to 'get organized once and for all!' . . . that lasted about 35 minutes.  Then I took a tub in perhaps the greatest acquisition of 2015 and all was right with the world . . .

Isn't she lovely?
I do some of my best thinking in her. 
It was here I decided I needed to do my first blog post of the year today, even though I can barely form a complete thought or sentence.  So bear with me.

So now I'm curled up in front of the fire with my pups and my laptop and the Tracy Chapman Pandora station. #vaginamusicforpresident  And I'm not taking one second of it for granted, not even the residual hangover.

Two BIG things come to mind when I think of 2016.  
If all goes as planned, this is the year my sister will get a new heart and this is also the year I turn 40.  They shouldn't even really be written in the same sentence as one pales in comparison to the other.  
My sister is currently classified as 1A on the heart transplant list and is living in the hospital away from the comforts of home and family while waiting for her match.  To witness her strength, humor, and grace throughout the grueling process leaves me in absolute awe.
I can barely handle a stubbed toe.  Literally.  But because of this I realize more than ever how blessed I am to be turning 40, I am exponentially blessed to have healthy children, and I am beyond blessed to have such incredible role models in Genine and our mom.  I cannot fathom their fortitude.
We had the pleasure of visiting Genine in the hospital a few days ago.  She was smiling her radiant smile ear to ear while patiently awaiting her biggest challenge yet. She's a favorite to all of her medical professionals {no surprise there}.  And although her condition is one she's struggled with since birth, the importance to do what we can to protect and cherish our health daily is loud and clear. 

Shameless segue into Beautycounter plug. {sorry not sorry}
Back in March, I fell in love with a brand.  Admittedly, this began as a bit shallow.  I was smitten with a brand that was chic and luxurious and gorgeous to look at it and even better to use.  A brand without a trace of cheesiness or bullshit {two things I can't stand} A brand Gwyneth Paltrow, Reese Witherspoon, Minnie Mortimer,  Connie Britton, Jennifer Meyer and so many other cool ladies who's style and opinions resonate with me, also praise.  A brand with a CEO that stood up in her half-tucked J. Crew flannel at a recent event and announced that Beautycounter made her a better person and meant it.  And I'm still very much in love with that brand -- but my "why" story has evolved.  It's become more about the mission, the passionate commitment to get safe products into the hands of everyone.  
Am I curing cancer?  No.  Am I helping friends and family make better choices by eliminating harmful toxins in their personal care products?  Yes. 
In a world full of unknowns, am I taking control of something I can and educating others to do the same? Yup. 
Do I take a few minutes every day to care for my skin and use this time as a ritual and opportunity to reflect? You know it. {ahem, Christy Coleman's best suggestion yet}
Am I changing the world in a small way that I know how?  You betcha.  


A huge thank you to everyone who has supported me on this endeavor, either as mentors, clients or those who took a leap of faith and became business partners, or my peeps just cheering me on from the sidelines.   It is not lost on me.  I am so grateful.  It's been a privilege to take part in meaningful work with wonderful people, and the daily slathering of phenomenal and efficacious products is the proverbial icing on the cake.

Speaking of cliché, I'm seeing lots of inspirational quotes and messages displayed across social media today and as much as I would have been tempted to roll my eyes a year ago at this type of thing -  I actually love that everyone is amped up for 2016. 
I personally cannot wait to continue to grow as a mom, wife, sister, friend and #bosslady.    

One in particular, struck my fancy.

Thanks, Gwynnie.  Let's all just be good people this year.  Let's lift each other up.  Let's make better choices without compromising the joy of living.

What will you do in 2016?

Join me in celebrating life, health, and goodness.
After all, it's about progress, not perfection.  
Happy happy new year to all of you, especially my sissy.