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Distractions & Connections

My favorite distraction these last few months has been, you guessed it, Beautycounter.
 {Followed by 
-in no particular order-
 George, Ray Donovan, pizza, ambien, the fat jew, Looloo, martinis, Horseface and Odd Mom Out}

At the risk of sounding dramatic, Beautycounter has saved me.  I know many people think "It's makeup {insert eye roll} what the eff is she talking about?"

I'm here to tell you it's more, peeps.  

It's a movement.  
It's a cause.
It's about progress and health and well-being.
It's about moving forward, it's about making things better.  

  I had no idea when I joined this company in March 2015 that it would have the impact on my life that it has.  I obviously didn't predict many things coming down the pike.  

Certainly not a trip to Capital Hill to have the laws changed.

bananas experience.  incredible perspective.

Boom.  Jefferson was on to something.

For me it's also about connection.  I'm desperate for it and I believe it is essential in our lives to recognize and nurture the connections we have to each other and special times and places.  I'd be lost if I didn't do this.

Besides the obvious connecting with old friends & new friends alike via BC there's more . . .

Creepster Coincidence #1: 

During my wedding planning, long before Pinterest and Style Me Pretty, I carried one particular wedding ripped out of a Martha Stewart, frayed edges and all, with me to all of my vendor meetings.  I was smitten with the square tables and pops of green.
  Guess who's it was? 

Gregg Renfrew's from the year 2000.  Yep, total creepster. 

Creepster Coincidence #2 

My obsession with Bono began in the 5th grade, about 3 decades ago. {yikes}
My brother and sister were grounded {long but amusing story that actually made the cut at Genine's memorial} and my parents poured salt in the wound by bringing me and my best friend Jenny Nichols to the U2 Joshua Tree tour at the Hartford Civic Center.  I remember as we were leaving the house that night, I was pretty bummed to miss The Cosby Show, I mean it was a Thursday night in 1987.  The Thursday night NBC line-up was pretty much everything.  
So I learned an important lesson early to always welcome the chance for a unique experience - even during a really good TV show. {Especially now that there is DVR and on-demand}
Being 4 feet tall, the crowd supported us as we stood on our seats in awe of thousands of lighters ablaze. We exited the stadium to the masses singing "40" - we walked and sang for what seems like an eternity.  It was mind-blowing as an 11 year old and my heart actually aches with nostalgia when I just listened to this rendition.

Anyways, my Bono emotions run deep and throw it on the list of what makes me love Beautycounter.
He just joined forces with the company in May.
Read about the Nude acquisition here.

Creepster Coincidence #3

The first pop up store opening on Nantucket this summer.  I live for this place in my happy place . . . so much so I spent my 40th birthday there!

and now the biggest of all.

The Target collab.

Seriously, though.  
I've probably spent more time in a Target over the last 8 years than my bed.  

this is big, even Vogue agrees. 
{september 2016 issue page 590}

So are we selling out?
not so much.
quite the opposite, actually.  We are putting our money where our mouth is.   Making a significant impact by reaching 65 million new people with this brilliant 9 week limited partnership.  First and foremost educating about our mission, to get safe products into the hands of everyone.

Please take a moment to learn about it here.

My daughters are SO PROUD of this accomplishment.  And yes, I haven't mentioned them yet in this post.  They are clearly my very favorite distraction.  They are not a creepy coincidence . . . but they are my "why".

I hope you all have the best distractions in your life this fall and always and
if anyone is looking for me on September 12th, I'll be at Target with Bono and Gregg planning our next trip to Nantucket - should we wear our wedding dresses?  If you should want to join us . . . 
we'd love to have you!

"I will sing, sing a new song . . ."