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Distractions & Connections

My favorite distraction these last few months has been, you guessed it, Beautycounter.
 {Followed by 
-in no particular order-
 George, Ray Donovan, pizza, ambien, the fat jew, Looloo, martinis, Horseface and Odd Mom Out}

At the risk of sounding dramatic, Beautycounter has saved me.  I know many people think "It's makeup {insert eye roll} what the eff is she talking about?"

I'm here to tell you it's more, peeps.  

It's a movement.  
It's a cause.
It's about progress and health and well-being.
It's about moving forward, it's about making things better.  

  I had no idea when I joined this company in March 2015 that it would have the impact on my life that it has.  I obviously didn't predict many things coming down the pike.  

Certainly not a trip to Capital Hill to have the laws changed.

bananas experience.  incredible perspective.

Boom.  Jefferson was on to something.

For me it's also about connection.  I'm desperate for it and I believe it is essential in our lives to recognize and nurture the connections we have to each other and special times and places.  I'd be lost if I didn't do this.

Besides the obvious connecting with old friends & new friends alike via BC there's more . . .

Creepster Coincidence #1: 

During my wedding planning, long before Pinterest and Style Me Pretty, I carried one particular wedding ripped out of a Martha Stewart, frayed edges and all, with me to all of my vendor meetings.  I was smitten with the square tables and pops of green.
  Guess who's it was? 

Gregg Renfrew's from the year 2000.  Yep, total creepster. 

Creepster Coincidence #2 

My obsession with Bono began in the 5th grade, about 3 decades ago. {yikes}
My brother and sister were grounded {long but amusing story that actually made the cut at Genine's memorial} and my parents poured salt in the wound by bringing me and my best friend Jenny Nichols to the U2 Joshua Tree tour at the Hartford Civic Center.  I remember as we were leaving the house that night, I was pretty bummed to miss The Cosby Show, I mean it was a Thursday night in 1987.  The Thursday night NBC line-up was pretty much everything.  
So I learned an important lesson early to always welcome the chance for a unique experience - even during a really good TV show. {Especially now that there is DVR and on-demand}
Being 4 feet tall, the crowd supported us as we stood on our seats in awe of thousands of lighters ablaze. We exited the stadium to the masses singing "40" - we walked and sang for what seems like an eternity.  It was mind-blowing as an 11 year old and my heart actually aches with nostalgia when I just listened to this rendition.

Anyways, my Bono emotions run deep and throw it on the list of what makes me love Beautycounter.
He just joined forces with the company in May.
Read about the Nude acquisition here.

Creepster Coincidence #3

The first pop up store opening on Nantucket this summer.  I live for this place in my happy place . . . so much so I spent my 40th birthday there!

and now the biggest of all.

The Target collab.

Seriously, though.  
I've probably spent more time in a Target over the last 8 years than my bed.  

this is big, even Vogue agrees. 
{september 2016 issue page 590}

So are we selling out?
not so much.
quite the opposite, actually.  We are putting our money where our mouth is.   Making a significant impact by reaching 65 million new people with this brilliant 9 week limited partnership.  First and foremost educating about our mission, to get safe products into the hands of everyone.

Please take a moment to learn about it here.

My daughters are SO PROUD of this accomplishment.  And yes, I haven't mentioned them yet in this post.  They are clearly my very favorite distraction.  They are not a creepy coincidence . . . but they are my "why".

I hope you all have the best distractions in your life this fall and always and
if anyone is looking for me on September 12th, I'll be at Target with Bono and Gregg planning our next trip to Nantucket - should we wear our wedding dresses?  If you should want to join us . . . 
we'd love to have you!

"I will sing, sing a new song . . ."


The post I never wanted to write . . .

I haven't written in a few months because I've been quite busy putting one foot in front of the other.
And I've been scared, terrified really, that I will completely botch this, the blog post I hoped and prayed that I never would have to write.
I don't know how to honor my sister, who passed away 4 months ago today.
Every night {and most days} the thoughts flood my mind and I know I must write yet I know whatever my feeble fingers type will not be enough.  That they will not even begin to explain this beautiful soul.  I know I am failing her with every typed word, but knowing her, she's already forgiven me.
It would be impossible to explain her indomitable spirit, her courage, patience, her sense of humor in the midst of the worst of times - her one liners, imperfectly yet perfectly timed.  Her effortless way of being a good person - because when you aren't trying to impress anyone, or be anything but your true self, you just are so authentic it hurts.  So real, it seems it can't be real.  But man, was she real.
Her surgery in January filled all of our beings with so much hope, we could barely stand it.  Know this about Genine - she was the last to give up hope.  She would have suffered 10 more years in a  hospital bed if it meant one more day watching her son play baseball.
It's also a fine line on what my family needs to hold close and private and not share with the world about that time, that day, and what I feel my people should know.  Especially those who sent cards, flowers, showed up at her memorial, generously donated to her GoFundMe, gave hugs at the right time, and didn't give hugs at the wrong time, those who have learned to tread lightly while desperately trying to carry the burden. I write this as a thank you to all of you.
For the doctors and nurses, who got 'too close' because it was impossible not to.
For our family friend and reverend, Alan, who memorialized her so intimately on April 30th, her presence was palpable at that lighthouse, a beacon, a sign she was off to someplace better without pain.
And to Priscilla, who sang "Leaving on a Jet Plane" for one more verse, the verse that let us weep & mourn the way we needed to do at that moment.
For her best friend, who brought snacks, lots of snacks, to the hospital, and held all of our hands when we needed it, especially Genine's.
And for my best friend who has taught me to 'feel the feelings'  and has felt them with me and also for me, when I just can't.
For Vic and his daughters, for being there when they could.
I write for Horseface, who doesn't know how to make it better but tries.
My aunts & uncles and extended family who visited the hospital on Christmas Eve dressed as Santa and flew from Alaska to say goodbye, and so many gestures inbetween.
For my brother, who is stuck with the bratty little sister, and is missing his partner in crime every day.
For my daughters, who didn't get to spend enough time with their auntie Genine.  I don't know how I will ever make that up to them.
For my brother in law, who proved his love for Genine in her last 4 months of life, in a way no man should ever have to.
I write it for my nephew, a son who has never been more loved by a mother on this earth, who is celebrating his first birthday without one today.
For my dad, a man of few words, who lost a daughter and friend.
My mom, oh, my mom. No words for this selfless hero.  None.
And I write for those of you who are grieving your own losses.  What tricky business, huh? I remember hearing a story about a friend of a friend who had tragically lost her sister, she explained that it just 'took her breath away' when she least expected it.  I know all too well how that feels now.  It's just breathtakingly sad. Keep breathing.
So many people reached out with Genine's passing, sharing their stories and feelings about how she made all of their lives better in one way or another.
One of my favorite descriptions, is simple, but accurate.  She was 'uncommonly kind and made a wicked guacamole'.  She was just that, uncommonly kind.  A kindness, that I'm quite sure, unless you knew her, you will never have the privilege of experiencing.  A kindness so pure it comes along once in a lifetime. I'm so grateful it came along in mine.


Pop-Up, Pop-Up & Get-Down!

It's that time of year again!  The ladies of the MHD Mother's Co-op have outdone themselves with a fantastic line-up for their annual Pop-Up Shops this upcoming weekend.

1. I'm an "addict" for these India Hicks charms.  They have such clever and meaningful sayings and are my go-to gift  right now.  
2. Ummmm, are these cool fanny packs?  Because I NEED some of this Beau & Ro fashionable practicality. They both scream #Chella.  The palm print is so Palm Springs, but the fringe appeals to my inner Cindy Mancini. {RIP} 
Hmmmm . . . decisions.

3.  I also have a soft spot for bracelets and there will be plenty to choose from at the Pop-Ups.  Sequence collection has an amazing social mission.  And Chic Streets will have their share of beauties from The Ropes, Maine and I adore these Rosewood tassel bracelets.

4. I always get myself in a fair amount of trouble at the Bread & Butter table with there incredible selection of cards & housewares.  I choose you.  and you.  and you and you.  you, too.

I've really let my daughters embrace the 'orphan chic' look the last couple of years.  But sometimes I bite the bullet and purchase them adorbs dresses that will likely never see the light of day {because Target leggings with holes in them are somehow more appealing to them.}
Loving Petit Peony's selection of pretty frocks.

I suppose I could bribe them to wear pretty much anything with some goodies from Hayden & Halle.  This is a FANTASTIC addition to this year's shops.  It's a magical land where one million rainbows have exploded and all of your kiddos' wish lists come to life.  And, ummm, they deliver!  Fellow Marblehead Mom, Owner & Operator, Melissa Gallo, has saved my behind more than once, when I've found myself a couple {ahem} of cocktails deep and it's birthday party time and oops, I forgot to buy a gift {or two}!  Doh! Hayden & Halle to the rescue.  Here's a tiny sampling of the unicorn vomit fun!
Read about another fabulous contribution to Pop-Ups from Sweet Melissa, here

Can you even stand it?

And of course it wouldn't be the Pop-Ups without Monogrammer extraordinaire, Cece Dupraz.  Founder & friend, Marion Greely, continues to outdo herself with her stunning collections and selection of custom created monograms & motifs.

"At Cece DuPraz, we could never resist putting our own spin on things to make them unique and are thrilled to be able to offer our customers the ability to do the same!
From linens to party dresses to jon jons and more, this is your chance to take your ordinary items, kiss them with a monogram, and turn them into showstoppers. And many materials are compatible*, so let your imagination run a little wild! 
As we say around here, life is a party, monogram everything."
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.  
Also expect to see . . . 

Seaside Allure 
Irresistibles (Roberta Roller Rabbit, Joules, Saint James, etc)
Prema Yoga and Athlete By Design (Alo, Onzie, Liquido, Beyond Yoga, Magsy Gems etc)

I can't give all the goodness away on the blog - but there are also some SUPER DUPER surprise raffle items. 

Please come see for yourselves and support this year's charity, one that hits pretty close to home, the Friends of Marblehead Public Schools . . . 

Oh, and did I mention some of my fave BC bitches will be on the scene? {Obvs} 
If you can't make the event, and would like to support the cause shop here.

OH WAIT HOLD THE PHONE - did I even tell you about the complimentary champs and bloodies?!

YES, because that is definitely happening. 
{Thank you, Kappy's!} 

Hope to see you there!



today marks one month until our palm springs adventure.
so expect a few posts about this mid-centch mecca between now and then.

not sure how many of the sights we'll be taking in as we might be busy with a certain, ahem, festival.

but there is so. much. eye candy in palm springs - I can barely stand it!

COLOR. so much color. YAY.

love the pops of yellow at the avalon.


 unfortch, the parker was booked, but I plan on stalking this quintessential Jonathan Adler designed spot anyway.

maybe grabbing brunch at the delish Norma's.  one of my faves at the PM in NYC, I'm sure it's even better in this setting. {also, LooLoo was almost named Norma after this yummy spot}

Almost booked the Saguaro based on the rainbow pallete alone.  swoon.

You can actually rent Liz Taylor's house. See more here

Or  Sinatra's house, Twin Palms !

sidebar: love that Franky baby was a dog lover.
There's just too much fabulousness to cover in one post.
via AD

The doors alone would take me all day . . .
via studiodiy
via Kelly Golightly

Can you just pick me up already, Don?!